Shipping Information

What's the cost of shipping?
Shipping rates are based on weight and size. You have the option to select your preferred shipping method and carrier at checkout.
When will you ship my order?
Orders typically ship out within 2-3 days of ordering, and depending on the shipping options you selected, should arrive in 3-10 days.
How long will it take to arrive?
USA orders typically take 4-10 business days to arrive once shipped. Tracking will be provided by email once your order's shipping labels are printed.
Where do you ship?
We ship anywhere in the USA. 

Payment Information

Do I have to pay sales tax?
Tax amounts (if any) are based on your shipping location and vary by county and state. Our website automatically calculates sales tax when you enter a shipping location.
When will I be charged?
Your account will be charged within 24 hours of completing checkout.

Order Management

How can I check my order status?
First, create a store account by clicking here. Make sure to use the email address you used on your initial order. After creating a new store account, login. Once you login, you'll see a list of recent orders. Here, you can cancel an order, view, or pay an outstanding balance. You may not cancel orders after they have been shipped.
How do I track an order?
After your shipping label has been printed, you'll receive an email from us with tracking information. You may also obtain a tracking number by clicking "Order History" in the "My Accounts" links section. Once you sign in, you will see an order status and a tracking number.

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